Saturday, October 08, 2005

We've seen quite a few hot air balloons in the area. This picture was taken from our living room window. Posted by Picasa

We just like the looks of this building. Posted by Picasa

This is one of the many churches in Speyer, a nice town not far from Heidelberg. This is the first church we came across in our little tour; it turns out there are quite a few churches in Speyer. Posted by Picasa

Entrance to the church. Posted by Picasa

Inside the first church we came to in Speyer. Posted by Picasa

Speyer is full of beautiful churches. Posted by Picasa

Anyone know who owns this bakery?  Posted by Picasa

We weren't able to go inside this church; this is in Speyer as well. Posted by Picasa

Speyer Posted by Picasa

These gentlemen were performing on the Hauptstrasse. They were quite impressive! Posted by Picasa

This is the big one; this is the large wine barrel that sits in the castle.  Posted by Picasa

The second largest wine barrel in the castle. Posted by Picasa

That's a lot of wine! Posted by Picasa

Sarah and Kayte overlooking the Nekar River. Posted by Picasa

Sarah and Kayte at the castle. Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle Posted by Picasa

This is a lovely fountain on the castle grounds. Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle Posted by Picasa

Schloss Heidelberg (Heidelberg castle) Posted by Picasa

Heidelberg castle. Posted by Picasa

View across the river from the castle. Posted by Picasa