Saturday, February 23, 2008

Nuts! Each year after the Battle of the Bulge Memorial Walk and parade, city officials throw nuts from the balcony of city hall. General McAuliffe's response to the Germans' request for surrender was, "Nuts."

We went to Bastogne, Belgium to participate in the Battle of the Bulge Memorial Walk in December. We stayed in a sleepy little town, called Esch-Sur-Sure, in Luxembourg. This is a picture of Esch-Sur-Sure. Our hotel is the builing to the far left. I think you can see our Chevy parked in front. You don't see a lot of Chevy's in Luxembourg.

We had to pass by Bras to get from Esch-Sur-Sure to Bastogne. Hee hee.

This is a look up toward the town square in Bastogne on our first night in town. The Christmas lights look so much better in person. We went to the small Christmas market that was set up near the church and sampled true Belgian waffles. Yum!

There were displays like this all over the Bastogne city center and reenactors walking around in US Army uniforms from the time.

We attempted to walk the 20k route that had a good representation of the terrain and the towns our troops walked through. Adam could have made it the whole way, but I called a short cut after we hit the drop zone. I'd say we walked a good 12-14k.

They did a jump at the meeting point of the different walking routes. It was a cold and windy day to be jumping out of an airplane! The following are pictures from around the drop zone.

The following are pictures from the parade and various vehicles. This is a group of Belgian troops.

"American" troops